معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – معرفی افزونه متاباکس پیشرفته و حرفه ای با قابلیت AJax :

باسلام و درود خدمت شما کاربران و بازدید کننده گان گرامی سایت پی سی وب : با معرفی یک افزونه وردپرس دیگر در خدمت شما هستیم ، در این مقاله قصد داریم به شما یک افزونه بسیار کاربردی را معرفی کنیم که با استفاده از آن میتوانید متاباکس در وردپرس ایجاد کنید ، این افزونه شاید بیشتر برای توسعه دهندگان وردپرس مناسب باشد ، اما به هر جهت یک افزونه بسبار خوب هست برای ساخت یک متاباکس همه فن ، حریف :

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس

در تصویر فوق به صورت خیلی مختصر برخی از قابلیت های این افزونه را مشاهده میکنید .

بیشتر بدانید : ایا مایل هستید بدانید وردپرس چی هست ؟ پس پیشنهاد میکنیم مقاله (وردپرس چیست) را بخوانید .

ما در ادامه در خصوص این افزونه وردپرس خیلی بیشتر توضیح خواهیم داد ، پس پیشنهاد میکنم در ادامه همراه ما باشید.

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – افزونه حرفه ای متاباکس WordPress :

احتمالا شما هم ممکن است شده باشد که بخواهید متاباکس هایی رو به سایت وردپرسی تون اضافه کنید .

اول شاید خوب باشه یه توضیح مختصری در مورد متاباکس بدهیم ، که اصلا متاباکس چی هست ؟

متاباکس ها : به انگلیسی Meta Box باکس هایی پیشرفته ای هستند برای وارد کردن اطلاعات در وردپرس ، متاباکس ها به نوعی باکس هایی پیشرفته تر از زمینه های دلخواه می باشند . اگر شما یک طراح قالب سایت هستید و یا یک توسعه دهنده وردپرس هستید ، این افزونه برای شما بسیار کاربردی خواهد بود ، انشالله در آینده در خصوص این موضوع مقاله ای رو جداگانه خواهیم داشت .

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – بیشتر بدانید :

اما چی شد که به فکر معرفی این افزونه افتادیم :

ممکن است شما هم از اون دسته کاربران باشید که بخواهید بدون افزونه کارهاتون رو پیش ببرید ، این خیلی خوب هست و گاهی هم اشتباه است .

نه افزونه خیلی زیاد خوب هست ، و نه  این که کلا از افزونه استفاده نکنید ، خوب هست .

هر چیزی نه استفاده کمش خوبه ، نه استفاده خیلی زیاد

من قبلا به صورت دستی متاباکس هام رو میساختم ، اما از وقتی با این افزونه آشنا شدم ، متاباکس ها رو با استفاده از همین پلاگین اوکی میکنم ، که به مراتب متاباکس هام نسبت به گذشته پیشرفته تر و حرفه ای تر شده است . این افزونه امکاناتی داره که بسیار جالب توجه است ،

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – معرقی قابلیت ها و امکانات :

در این بخش از پست (Meta Box) میخواهیم به شما برخی از قابلیت ها و ویژگی های این افزونه رو معرفی کنیم :

  1. پشتیبانی از بیش از 40 نوع فیلد سفارشی وردپرس
  2. تنظیمات بسیار قدرتمند برای فیلد های سفارشی WordPress
  3. دارای قابلیت توسعه آسان با استفاده از هوک و ای پی آی
  4. سفارشی سازی و استفاده آسان در تمامی بخش ها
  5. سبک و بدون رمز نگاری ، این افزونه به صورت اپن سورس می باشد
  6. دارای منابع آموزشی و اطلاعاتی بسبار زیاد در ایران
  7. پشتیبانی از تمامی زبان های رایچ دنیا
  8. پشتیبانی از زبان فارسی و مسائل مربوط به ایران
  9. نصب آسان در کمتر از 1 دقیقه
  10. کاملا رایگان به همراه پشتیبانی رایگان دائمی
  11. سازگار با تمامی نسخه های وردپرس
  12. دارای بیش از 200.000 نصب فعال در دنیا
  13. دارای بیش از 100 رای مثبت مبنی بر بهترین کیفیت
  14. بهترین افزونه وردپرس برای ساخت انواع متاباکس
  15. دارای بروز رسانی دوره ای شامل رفع مشکلات قبلی
  16. و…

در بالا خیلی از امکانات این افزونه رو نام بردیم ، اما شاید بد نباشه ، توضیحات انگلیسی این افزونه را نیز مشاهده و بررسی کنید :

– Meta Box plugin is a powerful, professional toolkit for developers to create and handle everything related to
custom meta boxes and custom fields for WordPress.- The plugin provides a wide range of field types and a lot of options to for each field type, which gives you
unlimited possibility to control and customize the custom fields.- With the extensions, you can easily build meta boxes not only for custom post types (default), but also for
settings page, user meta, term meta. You can also display the fields the way you want with columns, tabs or groups.- The plugin is built mostly for developers with a little coding, but if you prefer GUI for faster creating custom
post types, meta boxes and custom fields, the plugin has extensions for that: MB Custom Post Type and Meta Box
Builder.- Features :- Create custom meta boxes for posts, pages or any custom post type.- Create custom settings pages or theme option page.- Create custom meta boxes for user profile pages.

– Create custom meta boxes for taxonomy terms.

– Supports 40+ built-in field types for all your needs (text, textarea, wysiwyg/editor, image, file, post, select,
checkbox, radio buttons, date time picker, taxonomy, user, oembed and more to come!). You can also create your own
field type easily.

– Support cloning (repeatable) fields for most field types, including WYSIWYG/editor field. Also support repeatable
field groups.

– Powerful actions and filters that developers can build or change the appearance and behavior in the plugin.

– Uses the native WordPress meta data storage and functions for ease of use and fast processing.

– Easily integrate with themes and plugins.

– Works with Composer if you want to include the plugin in your project.

– Compatible with WPML multilingual plugin (officially supported by WPML team).

– Documentation

– Getting Started

– Register Meta Boxes

– Define Fields

– Get Meta Value

– See more documentation here.

plugin :

– MB User Meta: Add custom fields to user profile (user meta) quickly with simple syntax.

– Meta Box Geolocation: Automatically and instantly populate location data with the power of Google Maps Geolocation

– MB Admin Columns: Display custom fields in table columns in admin screens for All Posts (types).

– MB Term Meta: Add meta data to categories, tags or any custom taxonomy with simple syntax.

– MB Settings Page: Create settings pages for themes, plugins or websites with beautiful syntax.

– MB Custom Post Type: Create and manage custom post types and taxonomies easily in WordPress with an easy-to-use

– Meta Box Yoast SEO: Add content of custom fields to Yoast SEO Content Analysis to have better/correct SEO score.

– Meta Box Text Limiter: Limit the number of characters or words entered for text and textarea fields.

– Meta Box Conditional Logic: Add visibility dependency for custom meta boxes and custom fields in WordPress.

– Meta Box Group: Create repeatable groups of custom fields for better appearance and structure.

– Meta Box Builder: Create custom meta boxes and custom fields in WordPress using the drag-and-drop interface.

– Meta Box Template: Define custom meta boxes and custom fields easier with templates.

– Meta Box Tooltip: Display help information for fields using beautiful tooltips.

– Meta Box Show Hide (Javascript): Toggle meta boxes by page template, post format, taxonomy (including category)
via Javascript.

– Meta Box Tabs: Create tabs for meta boxes easily. Support 3 WordPress-native tab styles and tab icon.

– Meta Box Columns: Display fields more beautiful by putting them into 12-columns grid.

– Meta Box Include Exclude: Show/hide meta boxes by ID, page template, taxonomy or custom function.

– See all extensions here.

در ادامه تصاویری از بخش های مختلف افزونه را دراختیارتان قرار خواهیم داد .

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – تصاویر و اسکرین شات ها :

در این بخش از مقاله (معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس) قصد داریم تصاویر و اسکرین شات هایی از این افزونه را در اختیارتون قرار دهیم .

نکته : برای مشاهده تصاویر در سایز اصلی روی آنها کلیک کنید .

در ادامه توضیحات تخصصی تری از پلاگین را با هم بررسی خواهیم کرد ، در ادامه این مقاله نیز با ما همراه باشید .

معرفی افزونه meta boxe برای وردپرس – توضیحات تکمیلی :

براساس آمار ها : آخرین نسخه این پلاگین ، نسخه 4.1 می باشد ، و این افزونه توسط نویسنده : Anh Tran برنامه نویسی و پیاده سازی شده است ، تازه‌ترین به‌روزرسانی : آن نیز 4 هفته قبل بوده است .

همچنین به‌ این نگارش وردپرس نیازمند است : 4.1 یا بالاتر

سازگار تا : 4.7.4 – WordPress 4.7.4

تست شده : با آخرین نسخه وردپرس تست شده است .

استفاده : بسیاری از سایت های بزرگ ایرانی در حال استفاده از این افزونه هستند .

تاریخچه تغییرات :

4.11Code architecture update:
Add object_id property to the meta box object. Used to connect the meta box to the post object. Not heavily used
Add RWMB_Meta_Box_Registry and RWMB_Field_Registry to store all registered meta boxes and fields. Used to future
access these objects. Use internally only. 3rd-party code should not use it as it’s still experimental and can
change in the future.
Deprecated RWMB_Core::get_meta_boxes() due to the meta box registry above. This function was made for internally use
only. 3rd-party code should not rely on it.
Add magic method __get to the meta box object to quick access to meta box configuration.
UI update:
Make the field label bold (similar to WordPress settings page).
Increase margin between fields and change color for remove clone button (also reduce minus size)
Remove style for checkbox (default is good).
Improve styles for checkbox/radio list
A little smaller padding for select box. Also remove default size for select[multiple] Add a little space between the map canvas and the “Find Address” button
Media fields:
Media field update: Hidden field for media fields now no longer disabled. If media field js not loaded properly,
code will default to hidden field and process accordingly. Issue #1088.
Better and simpler way to handle HTML file upload using media_handle_upload function.
Rewrite JS for “file”, simpler and modular. Also fix bug when add/remove items that doesn’t toggle the Add more link
Improve JS code for media field, using MediaList instead of item views (Backbone JS code).
Add support for image sizes in image_advanced and image_upload. Default is thumbnail. Fixes #425.
Add new parameter add_button for the add new clone button text. Better than use filter.
Fix position for remove clone button in RTL languages
Update margin between clones and set clone placeholder = outer height of the cloned element.
Scripts and styles:
Check condition for enqueueing scripts & styles only in the admin.
Update the time picker library to the latest version (1.6.3) to supports “select” control for time picker. See demo.
Better dependencies for date picker CSS, autocomplete field.
Other improvements:
Remove the static helper class because of a bad OOP code.
Fix get plugin URL symlink when plugin is put in a theme and symlinked. Props @tutv95.
Add support for “region” in the map field to limit autocomplete from wrong entries (to help preventing from entering
wrong address or country). See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro#RegionCodes
4.10.4Improvement: Add support for validate user edit and term edit forms (requires MB Term Meta or MB User Meta
Improvement: Add new parameter label_description for fields to display a description below field label (name).
Improvement: Add support for edit custom fields in the media modal. Requires post_type set to attachment and
media_modal set to true. See demo.
Improvement: For WPML users: Add support to hide fields in “Do not translate” mode and disable editing fields in
“Copy” mode.
Fix: Users can’t select same images for 2 different image_advanced fields.
Fix: max_status doesn’t work.
4.10.3Fix: force_delete causes files to be deleted even when set to false.
Fix: max_file_uploads not working.
4.10.2Improvement: Add max_file_size to upload fields (File_Upload, Image_Upload, Plupload_Image).
Improvement: Add support for attributes for file input.
Improvement: Update Polish translation.
Improvement: Add translation support for Key and Value strings (@prop saqibsarwar).
Fix: Shorter width of email field vs. other fields (@prop saqibsarwar).
Fix: Fix cloneable datetime field with timestamp=true.
Fix: Remove margin bottom in select_advanced options.
Fix: Showing the correct selected value for select_advanced field when the option value contains ‘&’ character.
Fix: Fix default values not working with taxonomy and taxonomy_advanced fields.
4.10.1Fix: Fix image_upload and plupload_image field when select images to upload.
4.10Improvement: Add video field type which allows users to upload or select video from the Media Library. See demo.
Improvement: Update Turkish. Prop Emre Tuna tunaemre@windowslive.com.
Improvement: Use WP 4.6 date picker localization instead of JS localized file to reduce plugin size.
Improvement: Refactor the media fields for better performance. Add change event for item list when add, remove or
Fix: taxonomy_advanced field now can be cloned.
Fix: Make localize_script works with WP 4.1.

Fix: Quick fix for enqueueing validation script

Improvement: Re-add change event on media fields to make Conditional Logic extension works with media fields.
Improvement: Add rwmb_choice_label, rwmv_{$field_type}_choice_label and rwmb_{field_id}_choice_label filters for
post, user, taxonomy fields, allowing users to customize the labels of choice fields.
Improvement: Change coding styles to follow WordPress Coding Standards.
Various improvements to reduce duplicated code.
Fix: Map field now works in the frontend.
Fix: std now works for taxonomy fields.

Fix: Wrong CSS selector when cloning wysiwyg field
Fix: Remove preview for oembed field when cloning
Fix: ‘std’ for taxonomy field now works

Fix: Quick fix for wrong field wrapper class which causes color field to render incorrectly

Fix: Quick fix for cloning bug

Fix: Quick fix saving datetime field

Fix: Quick fix validation

Fix: Quick fix for rwmb_meta() to be better backward compatible

Improvement: Update Chinese language. Add Chinese Taiwan.
Improvement: Add support for Google Maps API key. Default API key is added, however users should replace it with
their own key.
Improvement: Add additional methods for jQuery validation module which makes it understand HTML5 “pattern”
Improvement: Fully WPML compatibility (supported by WPML team)
Improvement: Add placeholders for key_value field
Fix: Toggle remove clone buttons for nested groups.
Fix: Error on date field, not save
Fix: Add fix for date/datetime when both inline and timestamp used
Fix: Set default language for date/time picker.
Fix: rwmb_meta for images returns incorrect width/height
Fix: PHP warning when uploading files in Settings Pages extension.
Fix: Blank space in the footer when using plupload_image.
Fix: Cloning wysiwyg when deleting the 1st clone

Improvement: Refactor the code to reduce the complexity in the fields’ inheritance
Improvement: All HTML 5 input types (week, month, etc.) are supported
Improvement: Optimize the_value function, use recursive call to reduce nested loop. Sub-fields need to define
format_single_value only.
Improvement: Use 1 single localization file for jQuery date picker for simplicity
Improvement: Add support for custom marker for map field (param marker_icon) in rwmb_meta function
Improvement: Add limit option for media fields in rwmb_meta function when retrieving meta value.
Improvement: Add rwmb_option_label filter for choice fields (user, post, taxonomy) so users can choose which object
field is used as label
Improvement: Use WP_User_Query for user field which supports more options for querying
Improvement: Optimize code for oembed, also use esc_html__ for better security
Improvement: Compatibility with Meta Box Geolocation
Fix: Fix first option is auto selected in select_advanced field.
Fix: Fix clone issue for color in Meta Box Group extension.
Fix: Fix clone issue for image advanced in Meta Box Group extension.
Fix: Fix not parsing $args to array in helper functions.

Improvement: Edit link on media items now opens edit modal
Improvement: Refresh map when sorting meta boxes.
Improvement: Wrap checkbox’s description into a to make it clickable to activate/deactivate the checkbox.
Improvement: Remove Spanish language (ES) as it’s already translated on translate.wordpress.org
Improvement: Add support for saving zoom in map
Improvement: Prevent output localized strings twice.
Improvement: Add fallback for autoload in PHP 5.2 in case it’s disabled.
Improvement: No need to json_encode for custom attributes. User can pass an array to custom attribute
Improvement: Add style for select2 library to match WordPress admin style
Improvement: Adds min width to select. @prop ahmadawais
Improvement: Added max_status option for media type fields. true to show status, false to hide
Improvement: Add attachment meta data to file info
Fix: Validation for non-Meta Box fields
Fix: advanced_image field after reload page F5 in Firefox
Fix: Cannot read property ‘getFullYear’ of null
Fix: Empty date converting to 0
Fix: Add missing class for image_select field which prevents setting input’s name when cloning.
Fix: Fix bug with blank maps on the front end
Fix: Fix bug with cloning media fields
Fix: Remove empty values in clones and reset index.
Fix: Reset of cloned select fields
Fix: select_advanced with multiple=true adds empty selected option
Fix: No empty option for simple select field
Fix: Empty datetime field with timestamp => true returns January 1, 1970
Fix: For color picker when using with Columns extension
Fix: Fix bug with taxonomy advanced returns all taxonomy items for posts with no meta saved
Fix: Fix bug with taxonomy advanced not saving value when field isn’t multiple
Fix: Make radio inline again
Fix: Wrong meta value when using helper function outside the loop
Fix: Validation now works for hidden elements in tabs

Improvement: Add localization for Select2 library
Improvement: Range preview output added
Improvement: Add Persian translation and nag fix
Fix: Map has no refresh in collapsed meta boxes
Fix: Fix incorrect URL if the plugin is symlinked.
Fix: Added fix for saved order in object-choice

Improvement: Refactor code for plupload_image. Introduces file_upload and image_upload field which acts the same as
plupload_image but for files and images.
Improvement: Do not show “Embed is not available” if fields don’t have any value
Improvement: Refactor date/time related fields. ‘timestamp’ now works for date field as well.
Improvement: Add ‘inline’ mode for date/datetime fields.
Improvement: Add option ‘select_all_none’ for select/select2 with default = false
Fix: users now can register 2 meta boxes with same field IDs for different post types.
Fix: width of embeded video if $content_width is too large.
Fix: autoloader now works more safely.
Fix: post field doesn’t show correct post link
Fix: select field must call field’s get_value to get field’s value as ‘select’ is used in many non-inherited classes
Fix: Allows old syntax for query_args.post_types for post/user/taxonomy fields
Fix: Do not reset value for hidden field when clone
Fix: Missing Insert into Post button for thickbox_image field
Fix: Date picker cut off by TinyMCE
Fix: CSS for multi months in date picker

Improvement: WYSIWYG field now can be cloned. Sorting clone hasn’t worked yet.
Fix: ‘std’ value not working if there is ‘divider’ or ‘heading’ field withough ‘id’
Fix: helper function not working in AJAX or admin.
Fix: getting plugin’s path on Windows system.
Fix: warning get_value of taxonomy field
Fix: guarantee file ids are in an array

Fix: re-add code for backward compatibility for helper function
Fix: undefined ‘class’ attribute for button
Improvement: speedup the helper function

Fix: select multiple value with post, user and taxonomy
Fix: bug in oembed field
Fix: fix JS/CSS compatibility with WooCommerce
Fix: do not force field ID to lowercase, which can potentially breaks existing fields or fields with ID of CAPS

Improvement: rewrite the way the plugin loads file, which allows developers to include the plugin into
themes/plugins simply by include the main file. The new loading mechanism also uses autoloading feature which
prevents loading files twice and saves memory.
Improvement: rewrite user, post, taxonomy fields using the same codebase as they’re native WordPress objects and
sharing similar options. Also changes the syntax of query parameters for these fields (old syntax still works).
Please see docs for details.
Improvement: add srcset in the returned value of helper function for image fields
Improvement: better sanitize value for url field
Improvement: prevent issues with dashes in field types
Improvement: remove redundant value in checkbox
Improvement: update CSS for date, time fields
Improvement: select2 now updated to 4.0.1
Improvement: optimize code for file_advanced and image_advanced fields which now submit array of values when saving
instead of single CSV value
Improvement: add collapse option to checkbox_list and checkbox_tree in user, taxonomy, post fields which prevents
plugin save parent values.
Improvement: secure password field so it is no longer saved in plain text. To check if a password matches the hash,
please use wp_check_password.
Improvement: change the output of color field in the helper function. Now it shows the color instead of hex value.
Improvement: add color:change and color:clear JavaScript event for detecting changes in color field.
Improvement: refactor code for better structure and security
Fix: rewrite the JavaScript for cloning which causes bugs for date field.
Fix: fix missing attributes if value is ‘0’ or 0.
Fix: add missing class attribute for fields
Fix: do not auto populate color field with ‘#’
Fix: wrong callback for fix page template

Improvement: add change event for file_advanced and image_advanced fields.
Improvement: add support for boolean attributes.
Improvement: add support for boolean attributes.
Improvement: add Russian language.
Improvement: changed wp_get_post_terms to get_the_terms to use WordPress cache.
Improvement: refactored code to make textarea, select use attributes.
Improvement: fieldset_text now cloneable. Also removed rows option for this field.
Improvement: refactored has_been_saved() function.

Fix: notice undefined index in date, time fields.

Fix: remove default maxlength = 30 for text fields.

Improvement: add attributes for all input fields (text, number, email, …) so users can add any custom attributes for
them. Also added default attributes required, disabled, readonly, maxlength and pattern for those fields as well.
These attributes will be merged into the attributes.
Improvement: add js_options for color field which allows users to define custom color palettes and other attributes
for color picker. See the options in Iris page.
Fix: fix for file and image uploaded via file_advanced and image_advanced not showing up.

Improvement: the plugin translation is now handled in translate.wordpress.org. While the plugin keeps old
translation as backward compatibility, it’s recommended to translate everything in translate.wordpress.org. Language
packs will be automatically updated by WordPress.
Improvement: rewrite code for file_advanced and image_advanced, which share the same code base. These fields are now
clonable and not autosave (you have to save post to save files)! Props @funkatronic.
Improvement: restyle clone icon, sort clone icon and add clone button for better UI. The new UI now is compatible
with color and date fields
Improvement: separate validation module into 1 class, for better code structure
Improvement: add pattern attribute for url field
Improvement: improve code quality
Fix: missing “checked” when clone radio
Fix: language file name for Dutch
Fix: oembed not render preview if provider is added via wp_embed_register_handler

Fix: Always set std as value for hidden field
Fix: rwmb_meta now can display rich content from oembed field
Fix: Wrong format for datetime field
Fix: Check and reset clone index when add/remove/sort clones
Improvement: Optionally display ID attribute for heading and divider
Improvement: Adding new style to date field to match WordPress style
Improvement: Change saving hooks to specific post types to prevent saving images to wrong post

Fix: Warning for timestamp for datetime field.
Fix: z-index for color picker.
Fix: Marker title in map

Fix: CSS alignment for sort clone icon for field type group (require Meta Box Group extension)
Fix: rwmbSelect is not defined

Improvement: Add “Select All|None” for select, select_advanced, post fields
Improvement: Add max_clone parameter which limits number of clones
Improvement: Add sort_clone parameter which allows users to sort (drag and drop) cloned inputs
Improvement: Add Polish language. Thank Michael
Fix: Prevent warning when post type doesn’t exist (post field)

Improvement: Use wp_json_encode instead of json_encode. Thank Sam Ford.
Fix: Escape value for cloneable fields
Fix: Notice for missing parameters for rwmb_meta field for map

Improvement: Add Persian (Farsi) language. Thank Ahmad Azimi.
Improvement: Update Spanish translation. Thank David Perez.
Fix: Cloning text fields
Fix: rwmb_meta works incorrectly for image fields if multiple=false

Improvement: Add ability to use multiple post types for post field
Fix: Duplicated description for checkbox field
Fix: Blank gallery for image fields

Improvement: Separate esc_meta method
Improvement: Add ability to use URL to retrieve options for autocomplete field
Improvement: Add rwmb_get_field and rwmb_the_field functions to get and display field values in the frontend
Improvement: Add field type custom_html to display any HTML in the meta box
Improvement: Add field type key_value which allows users to add any number of key-value pairs
Improvement: Use single JS file to display Google Maps in the frontend. No more inline Javascript.
Improvement: Code refactor

Fix: Incorrect path to loader image for plupload_image
Fix: Missing placeholder for post field when field_type = select
Improvement: No errors showing if invalid value is returned from rwmb_meta_boxes filter
Improvement: Add filter for add/remove clone buttons text
Improvement: Add French translation

Fix: Values of text_list field not showing correctly
Fix: Time picker field cannot select hour > 22, time > 58
Fix: Notice error when showing fields which don’t have ID
Fix: Don’t return non-existing files or images via rwmb_meta function
Fix: CSS alignment for taxonomy tree
Fix: Placeholder not working for “select” taxonomy
Improvement: Update timepicker to latest version
Improvement: Improve output markup for checkbox field

Fix: wrong text domain
Fix: select_advanced field not cloning
Fix: cloned emails are not saved
Improvement: Use post_types instead of pages, accept string for single post type as well. Fallback to pages for
previous versions.

New: ‘autocomplete’ field.
Improvement: field id is now optional (heading, divider)
Improvement: heading now supports ‘description’
Improvement: update select2 library to version 3.5.2
Improvement: coding standards

Bug fix: use field id instead of field_name for wysiwyg field
Improvement: allow to sort files
Improvement: use ‘meta-box’ text domain instead of ‘rwmb’
Improvement: coding standards

Bug fix: upload & reorder for image fields
Bug fix: not saving meta caused by page template issue
Bug fix: filter names for helper and shortcode callback functions
Bug fix: loads correct locale JS files for jQueryUI date/time picker

Bug fix: text-list field type
Improvement: better coding styles
Improvement: wysiwyg field is now clonable
Improvement: launch geolocation autocomplete when address field is cloned
Improvement: better cloning for radio, checkbox
Improvement: add more hooks
Improvement: allow child fields to add their own add/remove clone buttons.
Improvement: remove ‘clone-group’. Too complicated and not user-friendly.

Bug fix: compatibility with PHP 5.2

Bug fix: use WP_Query instead of query_posts to be compatible with WPML
Bug fix: get_called_class function in PHP < 5.3
Bug fix: clone now works for slider field
Bug fix: fix cloning URL field
Bug fix: hidden drop area if no max_file_uploads defined
Improvement: added composer.json
Improvement: add Chinese language
Improvement: better check for duplication when save post
Improvement: new image_select file, which is “radio image”, e.g. select a radio value by selecting image
Improvement: new file_input field, which allows to upload files or enter file URL
Improvement: separate core code for meta box and fields
Improvement: allow to add more map options in helper function
Improvement: allow to pass more arguments to “get_terms” function when getting meta value with “rwmb_meta”

Bug fix: fatal error in PHP 5.2 (continue)
Improvement: allow register meta boxes via filter

Bug fix: fatal error in PHP 5.2
Bug fix: save empty values of clonable fields

Bug fix: not show upload button after delete image when reach max_file_upload. #347
Bug fix: autocomplete for map which conflicts with tags (terms) autocomplete
Bug fix: random image order when reorder
Bug fix: undefined index, notices in WordPress 3.6, notice error for oembed field
Improvement: add default location for map field (via std param as usual)
Improvement: add placeholder for text fields (url, email, etc.)
Improvement: add multiple param for helper function to get value of multiple fields
Improvement: width & height for map in helper function now requires units (allow to set %)
Drop support for WordPress 3.3 (wysiwyg) and < 3.5 (for file & image field which uses new json functions)

Bug fix: cannot clear all terms in taxonomy field
Bug fix: potential problem with autosave
Bug fix: cannot save zero string value “0”
Improvement: add Turkish language
Improvement: add taxonomy_advanced field, which saves term IDs as comma separated value in custom field

Bug fix: allow to have more than 1 map on a page
Bug fix: use HTTPS for Google Maps to work both in HTTP & HTTPS
Bug fix: allow to clear all terms in taxonomy field
Bug fix: “std” value for select fields is no longer “placeholder”
Improvement: add “placeholder” param for select fields
Improvement: add to helper function ability to show Google Maps in the front end. Check documentation for usage.
Improvement: add spaces between radio inputs
Improvement: add more params to “rwmb_meta” filter
Improvement: using CSS animation for delete image

Bug fix: fatal error if ASP open tag is allowed in php.ini

Bug fix: show full size image after upload if thumbnail is not available
Bug fix: new added file not shown
Bug fix: issue with color field disappearing
Bug fix: max_file_upload now works for normal file & image as well
Bug fix: problem with uploading with the advanced fields
Bug fix: file & image advanced not saving
Bug fix: select_advanced cloning issue
Bug fix: plupload_image ordering
Improvement: add divider, heading, button, range, oembed, email, post fields
Improvement: translation for file & image fields
Improvement: add option default_hidden to hide meta box by default
Improvement: allow to have multiple maps on the same page
Improvement: file and image advanced now use Underscore.js
Improvement: slider filed now has prefix and suffix for text labels and js_options for more JS options
Improvement: WYSIWYS can bypass the wpautop using raw parameter
Improvement: color field now supports new color picker in WP 3.5
Improvement: add ID to results returned by rwmb_meta when getting meta value of file & image
Improvement: auto use localized version for date & time fields
Improvement: add timestamp option to save the datetime as unix timestamp internally
Improvement: add autosave option for meta box
Improvement: add force_delete option for file and image field
And lots of changes and improvements

Bug fix: path to Select2 JS and CSS. Link
Bug fix: taxonomy.js loading
Bug fix: saving in quick mode edit
Improvement: add before and after attributes to fields that can be used to display custom text
Improvement: add Arabic and Spanish languages
Improvement: add rwmb*_before_save_post and rwmb*_before_save_post actions before and after save post
Improvement: add autocomplete for geo location in map field, add fancy animation to drop marker
Improvemnet: add url field

Bug fix: clone date field. Link

Bug fix: time field doesn’t work. Link
Bug fix: wrong JS call for datetime. Link
Improvement: file and images now not deleted from library, unless use force_delete option
Improvement: add select_advanced field, which uses select2 for better UX. Thanks @funkedgeek

Bug fix: not save wysiwyg field in full screen mode. Link
Bug fix: default value for select/checkbox_list. Link
Bug fix: duplicated append test to date picker
Bug fix: incorrect enqueue styles, issue #166
Improvement: initial new field type map

Bug fix: save only last element of select field with multiple values. Link
Improvement: add js_options attribute for date, datetime, time fields to adjust jQuery date/datetime picker options.
See demo/demo.php for usage
Improvement: add options attribute for wysiwyg. You now can pass arguments same as for wp_editor function
Improvement: clone feature now works with checkbox_list and select with multiple values
Improvement: add rwmb-{$field_type}-wrapper class to field markup
Improvement: Add [rwmb_meta meta_key=”…”] shortcode. Attributes are the same as rwmb_meta function.
Code refactored

Bug fix: helper function for getting taxonomy field type
Bug fix: multiple attribute for select field type

Allow helper functions can be used in admin area
Allow cloned fields to have a uniquely indexed name attribute
Add Swedish translation
Allow hidden field has its own value
Taxonomy field now supported by rwmb_meta function
Improvement in code format and field normalizing

Add helper function to retrieve meta values
Add basic validation (JS based)
Fix image reorder bug
Fix select_tree option for taxonomy field
Fix not showing loading image for 1st image using plupload

Add missed JS file for thickbox image

Quick fix for thickbox image

Quick fix for checkbox list and multiple/clonable fields

Taxonomy field is now in core
Add demo for including meta boxes for specific posts based on IDs or page templates
Meta box ID is now optional
Add thickbox_image field for uploading image with WP style
Fix guid for uploaded images

Fix taxonomy field

Support max_file_uploads for plupload_image
Better enqueue styles & scripts
Store images in correct order after re-order
Fix cloning color, date, time, datetime fields

Improve taxonomy field
Add filter to wp_editor
Add more options for time field
Improve plupload_image field
Fix translation, use string for textdomain

Fix translation
Change jQueryUI theme to ‘smoothness’
Add more demos in the demo folder

Added jQuery UI slider field
Added new Plupload file uploader
Added new checkbox list
Fix empty jQuery UI div seen in FF in admin footer area
Fix style for ‘side’ meta box

Reformat code to make more readable
Fix bugs of checkbox field and date field

Change format_response() to ajax_response() and use WP_Ajax_Response class to control the ajax response
Use wp_editor() built-in with WP 3.3 (with fallback)

strongly refactor code
create/check better nonce for each meta box
use local JS/CSS libs instead of remote files for better control if conflict occurs
separate field functions (enqueue scripts and styles, add actions, show, save) into separated classes
use filters to let user change HTML of fields
use filters to validate/change field values instead of validation class
don’t use Ajax on image upload as it’s buggy and complicated. Revert to default upload

fix WYSIWYG field for custom post type without ‘editor’ support. Thanks Jamie, Eugene and Selin Online. (http
change some helper function to static as they’re shared between objects

fix code for getting script’s url in Windows
make meta box id is optional

move js and css codes to separated files (rewrite js code for fields, too)
allow to add multiple images to image meta field with selection, modified from “Fast Insert Image” plugin
remove ‘style’ attibutes for fields as all CSS rules now can be put in the ‘meta=box.css’ file. All fields now has
the class ‘rw=$type’, and table cells have class ‘rwmb=label’ and ‘rwmb=field’
allow to use file uploader for images as well, regarding http =//disq.us/1k2lwf
when delete uploaded images, they’re not deleted from the server (in case you insert them from the media, not the
uploader). Also remove hook to delete all attachments when delete post. Regarding http =//disq.us/1nppyi
change hook for adding meta box to ‘add_meta_boxes’, according Codex. Required WP 3.0+
fix image uploading when custom post type doesn’t support “editor”
fix show many alerts when delete files, regarding http =//disq.us/1lolgb
fix js comma missing bug when implement multiple fields with same type
fix order of uploaded images, thank Onur
fix deleting new uploaded image
fix bug when save meta value = zero (0), regarding http =//disq.us/1tg008
some minor changes such as = add ‘id’ attribute to fields, show uploaded images as thumbnail, add script to header
of post.php and post=new.php only

use thickbox for image uploading, allow user edit title, caption or crop, rotate image (credit to Stewart Duffy,
idea from Jaace http =//disq.us/1bu64d)
allow to reorder uploaded images (credit to Kai)
save attach ID instead of url (credit to Stewart Duffy)
escape fields value (credit to Stewart Duffy)
add ‘style’ attribute to fields, allow user quick style fields (like height, width, etc.) (credit to Anders Larsson
http =//disq.us/1eg4kp)
wrap ajax callbacks into the class
fix jquery UI conflict (for time picker, color picker, contextual help)
fix notice error for checking post type

save uploaded images and files’ urls in meta fields
fix date picker bug to not show saved value (http =//disq.us/1cg6mx)
fix check_admin_referer for non=supported post types (http =//goo.gl/B6cah)
refactor code for showing fields

separate functions for checking, displaying and saving each type of field; allow developers easily extend the class
add ‘checkbox_list’ (credit to Jan Fabry http =//goo.gl/9sDAx), ‘color’, ‘date’, ‘time’ types. The ‘taxonomy’ type
is added as an example of extending class (credit to Manny Fresh http =//goo.gl/goGfm)
show uploaded files as well as allow to add/delete attached files
delete attached files when post is deleted (credit to Kai http =//goo.gl/9gfvd)
validation function MUST return the value instead of true, false
change the way of definition ‘radio’, ‘select’ field type to make it more simpler, allow multiple selection of
select box
improved some codes, fix code to not show warnings when in debugging mode

fix bug of not receiving value for select box

(image upload features are credit to Kai http =//twitter.com/ungestaltbar)
change image upload using meta fields to using default WP gallery
add delete button for images, using ajax
allow to upload multiple images
add validation for meta fields

add wysiwyg editor type, improve check for upload fields, change context and priority attributes to optional

add enctype to post form (fix upload bug), thanks to http =//goo.gl/PWWNf

add file upload, image upload support

oop code, support multiple post types, multiple meta boxes

procedural code

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